Wednesday, June 05, 2013


Bait fishing off the pier has been terrific. From how many are being caught, I would estimate several hundred perch in the waters under the pier. A 16-1/2 lb. salmon was brought in today as well, but salmon has yet to pick up. However, the regulars are lining the boathouse's benches, waiting for someone to come in shrieking, "The fish are coming! The fish are coming!"

Rockfish season began June 1, but with salmon on the mind, no one went. I felt it was pertinent to say a thing about them, though. There is a ten apiece limit with no size regulations. You can have one line with a maximum of two hooks, with no regulation on hook type. Bait is helpful but not necessary for the typical and reliable setup shown below.
Notice that despite the hook type, I don't spring for the treble hooks. Think about where you're fishing. Rockfishing. Single hooks are considerably easier to get off a rock than a treble hook. Monofilament fishing line is also detrimental to getting hooks loose due to the flexibility. But, before you get cocky, you will lose gear. I would estimate that I have left $30 in lead, line, and lures floating on the bottom of the ocean. And that's being very conservative. 

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